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National T20 drilling rig rebuilt with new equipment Butler Parker 105' 250,000# derrick 8Hx20wx40l sub rebuilt detroit 550 HP T20 drawworks new John Deere gen sets new travel block 4000' 3 1/2 drill pipe needs mud system, hand rails, and lighting this rig is in excellent condition and deserves a serious look terms for responsible buyer: 200,000 down, 60 days to finish out and begin payments of 25,000 per month for 20 months or cash for 680,000 legal costs for Bill of Sale and Finance Contract have already been absorbed by seller and paperwork is in place fill in the blanks and start turning right counter offers considered please reply via email or phone for all specs and photos
Gardner Denver 3000 drilling rig fresh off job 4 axle Pierce carrier single drum 325 HP John Deere 5/1 Allison transmission King Oil 85 ton top drive John Deere P51 hydraulic pump 54' pivot 59' total mast 200,000# hoisting 40lx8.6wx9h sub rig ramps top dog house steel mud pits hydraulic house and light plant pump house has been working and in good condition asking 1.1MM cash or 1.5MM with terms for responsible buyer counter offers considered please reply via email or phone for all specs and photos
Bethlehem 60 drilling rig rebuilt with new equipment Foster makeup Detroit 12v92 with TC 955 Allison torque converter Lee C Moore 97' mast 14 1/2 sub 50 kw gen set with Allison Chalmers power no well control and mud pits need finishing this rig is near finished and ready to work rig has 1.5MM in true rebuild receipts asking 1.1MM counter offers considered please reply via email or phone for all specs and photos
2007 Service King 575 service rig ECR 06-010 chassis by SK 250,000# 8 line derrick 5DH22098 drawworks by SK 42"x8" sand line w/ 9/16 line 1" lebus groove tubing drum w/ 42"x12" drum brakes 60 series Detroit engine Allison transmission 2 steering axles Tulsa winch 4 hydraulic jacks fully equipped w/ tools and misc and extra parts etc asking 1.1MM counter offers considered
2006 Taylor C500 service rig C500 chassis 240,000# 8 line derrick DD260 drawworks 9/16 sand line drum 48" brake drum 1" lebus groove tubing drum Cat C-15 power Allison transmission 2 steering axles Tulsa winch 4 hydraulic jacks fully equipped w/ tools and misc and extra parts etc asking 1.1MM counter offers considered
2 2007 special built 500 HP reverse unit trailers for above service rigs Tulsa triplex pump Detroit 60 series pump engine Allison transmission Cat 3054 hydraulic engine 2 MCM 5x6 and 4x5 200 series centrifugal pumps 75 bbl stock tank Derrick 4x5 motion shaker 300 gallon fuel tank Turbine flow monitor 6x6x8 steel control house 1997 Ford 5 ton diesel asking 400,000 each counter offers considered
2 2007 power swivel mounted on dual axle gooseneck for above service units 2.5 power swivel Cat 3054 power 100' hydraulic hose reels 90 gallon fuel tank 50 gallon hydraulic tank each goes with above reverse units
*We donate a partial of our proceeds on drilling rig sales dependent on the transaction size to your favorite charity.